1. Club use is for annual members, member’s guests,
Jr. members and
open trap guests only. For access call Magnum Sports at 867-4399.
2. Youths who are under a Family Membership or a Junior Membership
must be supervised by an adult family club member, or other adult
club member- if they are under age eighteen and do not have
Firearms Safety Certification(FSC). If they have FSC they can use all
ranges (except pistols on short range) at age sixteen without
supervision. A person must be eighteen to fire a pistol without adult
supervision per state law. (MN Stat. 624.713)
3. Keep safety first at all times, call 911 for any emergency. Call Fillmore
County Sheriff on 507-765-3874 for trespass violations.
4. Shooting hours are 9 A.M. to sunset. (trap/wobble teams 9:45 P.M.)
5. Eye and ear protection are required.
6. Only pistols, 22 rim-fire rifles, air rifles and muzzle loading rifles
patched round balls are allowed on the short range. No cross firing on
the short range. Pistols are allowed on the rifle range for long
distance shooting, hand thrown birds are allowed on the trap range.
7. All firearms should be considered loaded until cleared. All weapons
may only be loaded when at the firing line and facing down range.
8. Use only approved paper targets on both ranges, no explosive targets,
cans, bottles, pumpkins, clay pigeons, etc. Attach targets to stands
using staples, clips or tape, no nails or screws.
9. Metal targets are only allowed at the 300 yard marker on the rifle
range. No digging for lead in any backstop area.
10. Full automatic and bump guns are not allowed.
11. Clean up all targets, shotgun hulls and brass after shooting.
12. Take any misfired rounds home and dispose of properly.
13. If range is busy, limit time to 30 minute intervals.
14. No alcohol during shooting activities and no drugs allowed.
15. No broad heads allowed on the archery range.
16. No 50 caliber BMG firearms on rifle range. No steel core bullets.
17. No hunting allowed on Fish and Game Club property.
18. No target stands or targets are provided, bring your own.
19. Visit our web site at: www.chatfieldfishandgame.club for all events,
Rules, and contact information.